Leaving Biosphere 2

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Weaving together speculative narratives and historical accounts, Leaving Biosphere 2 is a role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic future. Holly White’s late grandfather was a paleo-botanist who helped to develop a scientific facility and fully-enclosed ecological system in the Arizona desert in the 1990s. Drawing on conversations and books from his library, Holly reimagines Biosphere 2 through the eyes of a resident, Danny, who has grown up in a community squatting the abandoned site.

You can play the computer game of Leaving Biosphere 2 at CCA Annex, where you will find all manner of wonderful things.

This publication includes scripts, maps and character sheets for two games: The Forest of Paper and Quest to the South Lung. The accompanying booklet has contributions from Julia Tcharfas, Dr Linda Leigh, Holly White, Uma Breakdown, Beth Bramich, Hardeep Pandhal, Mariam Chaudhry, Jaakko Pallasvuo, and Linda Stupart. The publication was made with Saffa Khan at Tender Hands Press.
